
Friday, 25 November 2016

The best day ever

Today we had a thing called top team and we get to do fun activities.

We had to put water Into a pipe and their was a ping pong ball out of the pipe.

 their was holes in the pipe and you had to try and block the water so It didn´t come out. 

In my group was Callum, Logan, Cameron J, Kristie, Aroha. Pretty good group when you think about It

My Persuasive Writing #2

My Persuasive Writing #2

What am I arguing to write and why?

What Superpower would I have and why. I would choose Super Speed because It would help me to help other people.

Save people in dangerous situations.

So If someone was getting bullied you can quickly go to them and catch them being naughty or arrogant. So if they say It's all about me or punch someone In the face that’s called bullying and with my Super Speed I can save them before It gets out of hand.

Delivering life saving goods.

So Is someone got bitten by a cobra/snake there Is poison In you and If you have Super Speed you can quickly give him a special type of drink to keep that person alive.

Can catch robbers who steal money.

So If you see someone running away with money with a mask on you can just catch them quickly get the money and take It back to the boss or the worker.

Super speed would be awesome to have because you can save the whole entire world or your own country.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

The Christmas Quiz

 I only got two wrong.
At least I never 
    gave up and
    kept on

Monday, 14 November 2016

My Symmertry

This is my Symmetry that I done for fun things/activities
It's really fun to do.
This Symmetrical photo was so cool to make and look at.
It was so much fun I want to do This stuff some more
                                                           Hope you like It :]

Monday, 7 November 2016

My Writing Rubric

This is My Writing Rubric That I have done

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

My Persuasive writing

P Scooters dominate playgrounds.
E Schools don’t have a lot of space, scooters tend to take over the playground.
E You won’t be able to play sports because their scooters, scootering in your space.

Scooters dominate the school playground. They should get more space to ride their scooters so they don’t small children over

P Scootering Is dangerous
E Often the riders don’t wear safety gear so if they fall off they get hurt.
E Some of the tricks are very unsafe and often lead to bad injures. Sometime the injuries require a trip to the hospital when riders don’t wear safety gear.

Schools don't  have a lot of space if you let the people with scooters scooter arounds schools when there little children

P Scooters are expensive.
E scooters are expensive to buy and so Is the safety gear.
E Scooters can get easily damaged and the scooter can be expensive to fix.


I feel like principles shouldn't let people ride scooters in school. Because when you ride your scooters In school you might knock over small intestine children. Maybe you could hurt yourself at one stage.