
Wednesday 10 April 2019

Kiwi Kaha / Kiwi Can

Kiwi Can Is Now Kiwi Kaha For Year 7-8.

So today our class and a few others had to fill up a bucket and my class filled it all up had to do challenges for example just a smaller version of 1 Minute To Win It.

So the people that were doing the challenges were Tamani, Jesse, Jayden X2, Rarotonga and Shanarnia, Zack, Hamid, And Hans so the challenges were pretty good but Me, Tamani And Nathan weren't there for half of it because we got chosen to do some fun things for Period 1-3.

But overall the time I was there to watch some of it I enjoyed it, so some of the activities I saw were Tamani's one he did cone flipping but not the same size was the ones on the street the little cone that kids play with for their school but he was versing Charlie, Jared And Quaiden??, He Came 3rd out of 6 people.

We also had a lollie scramble Andre through lollies to the crowd sitting down I didn't try to get lollies because they weren't even near me

The Kiwi Kaha Challenges were fun when the time I was there but I would like to do one of the challenges next time!

Monday 8 April 2019

!Music Poetry / The Music Was Loud!

In Hururmanu/Music Today we were writing and poem about music so we had to start off with a small sentences do make it into a better sentence that makes it more interesting and some how combines with Music. We had to choose 1 out of 3 they were, The Music Was Loud, She Played The Guitar and He Was Singing I chose The Music Was Loud

This is what I did!

!The Music Was Loud!

The Disturbing Music Was Ear Piercing!

Last Night The Disturbing Music Was Ear Piercing!

Next Door, Last Night The Disturbing Music Was Ear Piercing!

Next Door, Last Night The Disturbing Music Was Ear Piercing Because Every Minute They Turned It Up Louder!

Next Door, Last Night The Disturbing Music Was Ear Piercing Because Every Minute They Turned It Up Louder Because The Next Door Neighbor Didn't Care About Their Neighbors!

Monday 1 April 2019

Math's Graph

So last week we did a math's task that we had to rite what types of trucks go down Waterloo Road i don't know if these are the right results but this is what i did because i lost my results / i lost my math's book but this is what i did hope you like it.