I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Monday, 21 June 2021
Millennials in the Workplace ~ Reflection Section.
Date ~
10th June 2021
Text Type ~
Interview on YouTube
Channel That Filmed ~
Purpose ~
To help understand Millennials and improve wellbeing through reducing screen time.
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
The Cardiac Muscle (Heart)
Friday, 11 June 2021
Christchurch Rubbish
Christchurch Rubbish
So this week and last week in Social Studies we have been learning about Rubbish and how we should properly recycle our Rubbish by also putting the right Rubbish in the right bin that it should be put in, here is some information that I have found out and came here to share with you what I have learned.
When our yellow bins get collected by the Rubbish Trucks, if the trucks sense more than 10% or more rubbish they don't collect the rubbish and if this continues to happen the bins get confiscated, then if they want to get the bins back they have to pay $97.65 to get the bin back, and they have to promise that they'll put the right rubbish in the right bins, somehow they get tracked to see if they are sticking to the rule of the agreement, there are many yuck and stupid things that get put into the bins, stuff such as Guns, Dead Animals, Plastic, Glass, Cardboard & Much more waste.
Friday, 4 June 2021
Reflection Section ~ Wananga
So this week in P.E we were learning about how good Fitness can be for you, how being fit can help in life, and things can also ruin you from being fit.
Here are some questions that we got asked to answer
What does being physically fit mean?
To be physically fit means to be in a state of health and well-being. Physical fitness is defined as the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist disease, and to react to emergency situations.
What makes us unfit?
Diet, Your Body, Smoking & Drugs.
In my eyes, I would think that I am fit for my age and I would like to stay that way as long as I can.